📄 Files
You can use the SDK to generated redacted and synthesized files. To do this, you can either:
Redact individual files directly
Add files to a dataset and then redact them
Before you use the SDK, follow the steps in Getting started to create and set up your API key.
Redacting a file
To redact an individual file:
from tonic_textual.redact_api import TonicTextual
#Pass in API Key here, or set TONIC_TEXTUAL_API_KEY in your ENV
redact = TonicTextual("https://textual.tonic.ai")
with open('<Path to file to redact>', 'rb') as f:
j = redact.start_file_redaction(f.read(),'<File Name>')
# Specify generator_config to determine which entities are 'Redacted', 'Synthesis', and 'Off'.
# 'Redacted' is the default. To override the default, use the generator_default param.
new_bytes = redact.download_redacted_file(j)
with open('<Redacted file name>','wb') as redacted_file:
Configure how to handle specify entity types
By default, the downloaded file redacts all of the entities. To synthesize values for entities and disable specific entities in the file, use the generator_config param.
In this example, we disable the modification of numeric values and choose to synthesize email addresses:
redact.download_redacted_file(j, generator_config={'NUMERIC_VALUE':'Off','EMAIL_ADDRESS':'Synthesis'})